So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Top Ten Things I Look Forward to in Indiana

With our move coming up so fast I thought I'd share some of my excitement! There are tons more things I am also excited about but these are the ones I find myself talking about the most.

10.) SNOW!!!

Do I really need to say more? I love sledding, snow angels, snow ball fights, and coming in to warm up from all the above with hot chocolate. I love how it lays on the branches, making bare trees beautiful, blanketing the ground like a thick, pure comforter.

9.) Milk from the source!

While I'm not a big milk drinker (I know, shocker right!?! Growing up on a dairy farm you'd think I'd love the stuff!) when I do drink milk I want it super fresh, un-homogenized and raw (un-pasteurized). It's hard to find a place that I feel handles the milk and cows responsibly enough to have safe raw milk, but at home I know exactly what goes on and couldn't feel safer drinking milk straight from the tank!

8.) Grass!

Yes I know Florida has grass, but it isn't proper grass that you can run barefoot in.

7.) Familiar flora and fauna.

I think I about made Chris crazy every time we drove to Indiana - I started naming trees and plants as soon as I could recognize them!  Now I get to see them all out my window!

6.) Seasons!
I finally discovered seasons in Florida - but they just aren't the same as Indiana.  I love the burst of color and smells Spring brings in the form of budding trees and blooming bulbs!

5.) Having our own space.

We have been blessed with great apartments everywhere we have lived but I am so excited to have a yard, where I can plant whatever I want, and lots of room around us!

4.) Wood Stove!

So many wonderful memories are associated with warming up by a wood stove. At our new house we are going to get to use the wood stove as our main heat supply!  When it is cold nothing heats like wood!  I'm so excited Eb will get to make the same kinds of memories I now treasure.

3.) Getting to garden!

I love growing my own food, and now I will have the space and tools!

2.) While I can and have made wonderful friends every time we have moved, I am excited to be closer to some of my most intimate of friends!

1.) The thing I am probably THE most excited about is being close to family again! I'm so thrilled that my son will get to grow up near enough to his extended family to really get to know them - I am also excited for me because now I will not only be able to visit them whenever I want but also call them in as backup!

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