I can't believe earlier this month Eb turned one year old! He has changed so much over just the last few months, not considering the whole year! It is overwhelming that just a little over a year ago this amazing little man wasn't a part of our life.
So much has happened in the last three months - I hope I can remember it all!
Eb now has six teeth (four top front and two middle bottom) and is really close to cutting his two bottom molars. Although they aren't coming in in the traditional order, I'm glad he's getting some molars, hopefully I'll feel more confident about his chewing abilities and he can start on some less blended food. While he has added more sounds to his vocal vocabulary he isn't really saying more "real" words - but he is using "Mamma" and "Dada" in the right context now! He also knows the baby signs for milk, more, book, up/down (it's pretty much the same sign) and just recently we added please! Next we are hoping to add 'food' and 'drink' because we thing he uses 'milk' as a substitute for those sometimes.
While he hasn't been to a well baby check up yet we did weigh him on the scales yesterday, he was a whopping 26.4 lbs! He easily fills out 18 month shirts and is somewhere between 12 and 18 month pants. While he doesn't wear shoes much he is in size 6.
He isn't quite bold enough to walk on his own, though he has taken a step or two here and there. We are pretty sure he has the strength and coordination, but he still considers it easier (and faster) to crawl. His modes of transportation are much more varied than three months ago however! He loves hanging onto furniture to scoot around things like tables, chairs and couches and recently he has taken to pushing chairs around the kitchen.
We finally introduced chicken into his diet successfully! I am still making most of his baby food at home and although his diet is more varied his favorites haven't changed much - he still loves cheese best! After cheese would be little dried pieces of peach and frozen blueberries (noodles are pretty great too!)!
He loves hanging out with his aunts, uncles, and Grandma and Granddad Garland! I think he is almost as comfortable at their house as he is at ours. He loves that there is never a shortage of someone to play with or pack him around. No matter how somber he may start out Aunt Hannah can always get a laugh or smile out of her nephew!
Eb loves any of his toys that he can push around or make noise with. He has some stacking and nesting blocks which he likes to stack up, but does NOT like to knock down! One of his favorite toys is a phone he got for his birthday. He loves pushing the buttons like a big person and hearing the recording Daddy made for him, he also likes passing it back and forth so you can be in on his conversations. His favorite books right now include Hop, The Foot Book, Llama Llama Nighty Night, and a Thomas the Train book that plays music for you to sing along with. Although these are his favorites we make regular rounds through the rest of his collection, reading at least ten books a day, often much more! We are so thrilled that he loves reading with Mommy and Daddy so much! It is a steady part of his night routine to have Daddy read to him before bed, late nights at work often mean a restless boy until Daddy gets home!
Checking out his first Christmas tree! |
Helping Great Granddaddy open his present! |
Waiting patiently for his first tractor... |
A fun new way to eat cheerioes - stick them to your finger! |
All ready for his first snow (and not too excited)! |
Walking on a rare sunny day! |
Helping Granddad work on his new room! |
Bedtime books with Daddy. |
Oranges are so yummy! |
Mmmmm Birthday cake! |
Yeah, I'm cool. |
Just what he wanted! |
Playing before we got home! |
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