So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello 2013!

After and unintentional sabbatical I'm trying to get back into the swing of blogging!  Things have been delightfully busy/crazy around here and I'm excited about documenting this busy season of our lives!  I thought about doing some back posts, but I think it best if we just pick up from here.

Its hard to believe how many monumental changes took place in 2012.  We became parents, I chose to leave the PhD, we moved back to Indiana, Chris secured two very good placements for his internship and.... we found out we are going to be parents again!  Whew! Crazy awesome year!

It's interesting how right C.S. Lewis was about us humans. We really are creatures of fluctuation.  Just last year (not really that long ago in the grand scheme of things) I was READY for change!  Having our son, moving back to Indiana - it all couldn't happen fast enough!  This year I wish I could slow down the ferocious rate at which time wants to run.  Eb is a year old (my baby is quickly becoming a toddler!) and so close to walking, Chris is so close to being finished with school and our newest little one is already 16 weeks along in this pregnancy!  As I said, wonderful things, but so crazy busy!

This year, as in many years past, my main goal for this year is contentment - though for different reasons than in the past.  I am enjoying this stage of life.  I love being a mother and homemaker.  It is not without sacrifice, but I know that this is where God wants us for this season.  It is just going so much faster than I ever expected!  I am also missing the many people we came to know and love while in Florida.  While it has been invaluable having my family so close, I am occasionally dealing with the isolation blues.  Once again I want this year to be characterized by leaning into the Lord for my needs and learning to bloom where He has planted me.  I can't wait to see what this yea has in store... though I hope I get plenty of time to enjoy it too :)

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