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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Reading through the Bible... Again

So last year I had ambitions of reading through the Bible in 90 days.  I got off to a good start but as you might have noticed, lost steam after a month or so.  As many times as I have tried I still have not read through the entire Bible, and I'm sad to say there are whole books I haven't read.  The Lord promises He will be faithful to those who are seeking him, so I'm not going to let my past failure keep me from trying again!

This time I'm trying a schedule that should take me through the Bible in six months.  While this takes longer than the 90 day plan, you are still reading enough to feel like you're making significant progress and get a full picture of the story in each book.  It is also a more do-able amount of reading each day, usually between 6-7 chapters.

One of the things I've re-discovered through reading Genesis again is the immutability of God.  Many people mistakenly believe the God of the Old Testament is different, not as merciful or loving, as the God of the New Testament.  They are sadly mistaken.  God shows His tangible love and provision for His people through individual stories over and over again throughout Genesis.  This grace extends to those surrounding His people as well - many people were blessed because of their association with Abraham, and in particular God promised to spare the incredibly wicked cities of Sodom and Ghomora for only ten righteous men.  He also purposefully rescued the one righteous man he found in the area, Lot, even though he was reluctant to leave.

Thank you Lord for evidences of your grace throughout all of scripture.  Thank you Lord for the reminder and confirmation of Malachi 3:6 "For I the LORD do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed."

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