So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Biggest Duck in the Puddle

Granddaddy always used the phrase 'biggest duck in the puddle' to refer to one of us littles wading in and trying to do the same thing as the grown-ups or bigger kids, be it in play or work. Well that fits Eb perfectly when he is on 'The Bench'!  All of the my brothers and sisters sit on a bench my Dad made to go along the wall side of the dinner table (at least they all used to sit there when they all still fit!  Now a days four of them is quite a squeeze!).  Eb knows this is where the big guys sit and he loves climbing up there with them!  He begs food off Deborah or Hannah and joins in conversation, but mostly he just loves being included with the big guys.  And he truly enjoys being the biggest duck in the puddle! 

He even enjoys the bench when he has it to himself!

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