So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Evie's fourth week!

We were slowly getting into a routine and I was finally feeling a bit more mobile during Evie's fourth week, we had almost kicked thrush and Chris headed back to mostly full time at his internship.

Evie went on her first walk outside in her stroller - Eb had to be sure she was safe so he helped!

I finally started reading for fun again - and of course I started with Harry Potter!  I love this line about Mrs. Weasley's sons still being intimidated by her and wanting her approval even when they are all taller than her!

Eb really misses Chris when he's at work - so full blown wrestling sessions are common when Chris gets home.

Wake up snuggles...

Such a precious sleeper...

Ebenezer LOVES his baby and is so proud of her!  He often stretches his arms out and asks to "hold" her, we oblige as often as possible.  This time at Grandma's he was showing her off to Deborah and kept calling her over to look at her with him!

I love that Eb wants to fall asleep holding my hand!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Evie, Week 3: Part 2

Evie's third week of life was so full I split it in two!

Adrienne was in the US on her vacation and her and AJ came up to visit and meet Evie.  While here Adrienne took some beautiful pictures of Evie for me - and even has enough savvy to make the purple go away!

Of coure Pandora thought it was her glamour shot, not Evie's!

We had a great visit and are so grateful for the early pics of Evie!

The many faces of Evie!!! I was trying to capture her eyebrow lift that she inherited from her Daddy, but her eyebrows are so blonde I had a hard time!  We got good conversation shots though.

I got to enjoy my favorite capresi salad with tomatoes and basil from our own garden!

Pandora wanted to snuggle with Eb, he wasn't so sure about that!

Eb loved visiting Grandma for the first time in a couple weeks!

Evie at exactly 3 weeks!

Evelyn, Week 3: Part 1

Evie's third week of life was so full I decided to split it into two posts...

My little Thor...

Nap snuggles...

Reading our new favorite book - The Little Blue Truck! 

We were fighting thrush this week so Evie had an impressive purple mouth from the gentian violet I had to use on me...

Papoo and Mamoo were able to visit for the first time this week!

Everyone wants to be on Daddy's lap - even Pandora!