So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Evie Week 2

Back posting again, so lots of pictures combined into one week!  Please excuse the excessive amount of bed and chair pictures, with recovery that's where we spent most of our time these first few weeks...

Meeting Great Granddaddy...

Nice arm rest!

Snuggling with kitty...

I love it hen Eb falls asleep touching Evie's head - he loves her so much he wants to touch her all the time!

Two precious heads on Momma's tummy...

Meeting Uncle Rick!

Learning how to read with two at a time on my lap!  Eb loved his post-baby gift - Mike Mulligan!

Miss Evie trying to hold her head up!

Beautiful flowers for bed ridden Mommy!

Eb wants to help!  We had to get him a chair to keep him from climbing on the changing table!

Daddy got us a cool new book from the library - it has construction equipment!

I love nap time!

Eb was so proud of the snack he tried to bring me!

Trying to get a Mommy's eye view of this precious new life...

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