So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Asparagus Season!!!

So to those of you who are in the no-greens-are-good-greens category this post will seem odd, but I am SOOO excited by Asparagus today!!! It is finally in season and not being shipped in from Chile and you can tell! I found some in the store yesterday for 1$ per bunch and had to get it to share with the family! It has such better flavor and texture than the bunch I was tempted to buy a month ago that was still out of season. I was re-introduced to Asparagus two summers ago when the couple I was working for (B&P) sent me home with enough for a couple meals. I hadn't eaten Asparagus since I was very young and Mom had a patch. She hasn't had the time or space to grow more and I never liked the canned option. I forgot how much I loved it! Last summer B&P weren't able to share as much but I found a good source at the local farmer's market, what we got there was so fun because they came in so many different sizes than you see in the store. We don't have a market here so I am settling for the best I can find in the store while it is in season, and it's pretty darn good!

In case you are curious in the picture below I sprinkled garlic salt over the spears with thinly sliced butter and broiled them until the spears were tender (about 7-10 minutes), if you are not a butter fan olive oil will substitute but I adhere to Julia Child's theory that a half pound of butter makes everything better! Delicious!

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