So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Kid Quotes of the Week!

We all know that some of the greatest comments come from the mouths of children, it is no different here!  While on our way to pick up some of the kids friends some of the following were overheard from the backseat...

"Mom's paddle's gonna be HOT!"  ( Andrew in reference to his prediction of Deborah's attitude and Mom's reaction to it!)

"Bugglegum" instead of "Bubblegum" (Hannah)

"Albaga" instead of "Algebra" (Deborah... and no matter how hard she tried she could not make it come out right)

"Ummmm does anyone mind if I change the subject?" (Dan, when tired of girl talk)

"I'm so excited they're comin' so we don't have no school!"  (Multiple kids...)

Not to mention the liberal and regular use of "ain't" and amazing country accents and draws that continually pop into conversation!

They usually do have better grammar than mentioned above, and in spite of the grammar issues that do occur we have had lots of fun conversations.  I think everyone should talk with a third grader once in a while to be reminded of the importance of the little things in life... you might just get to hear "You're the bestest in the whole world!" on occasion too!


  1. Love the kids and their quotes. Sometimes, I'm thankful Anna Belle doesn't talk.
