So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Spring Sounds...

We have been enjoying a week of fabulous weather!  It has been getting into the high 70's during the day and down in the 50's at night with low relative humidity and sunny skies!  It makes me feel better about this whole living in Florida thing!  One of the big things Chris and I have noticed with our windows open so much this last week is all the spring sounds that are awakening around us.  After our second day of warm weather we pulled into the drive for our apartment (which in case you didn't know it looks like a driveway into the jungle!) and as soon as we left the road you could hear all the spring peeper frogs singing! It was such a happy sound!  Since then we have noticed lots of birds around our feeder and several different plants pushing out their blooms.  I saw our first Robin today!  To top it all off the mature peaches for my study are in full bloom and they really are impressive.

There were bees all over the place!
Strange as it is to my Northern sensibilities, Spring is in full swing in Florida!

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