So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Welcome to February in Florida!

While I'm really enjoying it, I am still not used to Florida winters!  I am told over and over that no one is used to THIS winter, but in spite of local's protests to the contrary it has been really nice to us!

November and December were chilly to our Southerner adapted thermometers, January was brisk, but February has begun absolutely beautiful!  We have had highs in the 70's most of this week and a lot of sunny days!

Unfortunately the rest of Florida has not been so pleased with the recent weather.  As I said November and December were much colder than previous years, so many growers lost big chunks of their crops.  Last month enough numbers had been confirmed to officially declare disaster in Alachua County (where we are in Florida).  I am hoping that the winters return to normal by the time my peaches are close to bearing fruit so I don't lose any to a freeze like many growers here have experienced this year.

In the mean time we are enjoying a new month and welcoming it with open windows!  The recent warm weather has brought a lot of birds out that we didn't even know were around.  We were able to hang out on our patio last week and see lots of cardinals, a few sparrows, some birds I didn't recognize, and a pair of woodpeckers!!!  I didn't know there were even any around!  Last night we even heard some owls outside!  Still strange, but thanking God for His little miracles here in the sub-tropics!

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