So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


 Our porch has seemed rather bare sine I have not had a chance to get pots filled with plants or hanging baskets out and about, so the other day I finally hung up one of our bird feeders that moved with us.  It is officially Pandora's new favorite thing!  She loves watching the birds that come and visit (mostly a few bold Cardinals).  She stalks them, hides from them behind the curtain, does her Xena warrior princess cry at them and generally enjoys herself immensely!  We were worried that there might not be many birds that visit since we hadn't seen many around, but it has been an entertaining investment!

1 comment:

  1. so cute--and nice that she can't get out to get at the birds! when kitty does that we have to keep an eye on him b/c he tries to eat them :/
