So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Exersaucer!

One of our friends gave us their old Exer-Saucer for Ebenezer.   I was worried he wasn't big enough for it, but he LOVES it!  At first he spun and spun from station to station, but now he has some favorites!  He usually singles out the star first, then works his way to the dragon, pushes the noise makers and plays with the book!  He is getting to where he can spend more and more time in it without getting overwhelmed.   I think part of why he likes it is getting to stand up!
First day figuring it out!
What are you?
Hmmm... What are you?
Nom, Nom, Nom...
Whew that was fun!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

You Might be a Momma If...

As soon as your dinner is ready you son immediately thinks it is time for his dinner to be ready too!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Psalm 139:14

I love this little shirt and have been waiting for him to be big enough to fit in it! He was a rather distracted customer! I continue to be amazed at God's handiwork and grace visible in the life of our son!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Beautiful Flowers, Flowers for Me!

Chris surprised me with these lovely sunflowers the week before Mother's Day (I used some of Deborah's apple mint as a filler), and then a few days later he stopped and picked me some honey suckle on his way home! Two of my favorite flowers in the same week! How wonderful is that!?!

4 Months!

Yesterday was Ebenezer's 4 month birthday! It is wonderful how he has so completely worked his way into our lives and hearts in such a short time!

Eb continues to grow by leaps and bounds, during this last month laughing has become a much more regular occurrence and he is fascinated with the world around him. He loves to interact with people and "talk" with them even. He has become 'shy', sometimes when people come to talk with him while I'm holding him he will grin really big and turn his face into me, then look up to see if they are still there, grin real big and repeat! Still no teeth, but that doesn't mean he has stopped trying! I have started putting bibs on him when he is really drooling up a storm! He has mostly outgrown his 3-6 month clothes and we are having fun breaking into all of his 6-9 month clothes now. He has gotten really good at grabbing and pulling to his mouth, pretty much whatever he can get ahold of is pulled straight to his mouth for further inspection, toys, fingers, hair, burp clothes, you name it! This month he has discovered his toes and LOVES them! He likes to feel them and try to stick them in his mouth every time he gets his diaper changed! He also rolled over for the first time this month! I'm pretty sure it was an accident since he hasn't repeated it, but I was still excited! When excited, or happy, Eb loves to open his mouth really Wide, and sometimes he adds arm flapping to fully express his exuberance! As he is paying more attention to the world around him, he is more and more interested during his trips outside. He loves to sit on my lap and watch all the goings on outside, whether that's the dogs, cows or birds flying around - he is especially fascinated with the chickens!

I'm not sure how it's possible but Chris and I fall more in love with him every day! It is such a delight to watch him grow, change and learn! Happy Birthday my little man!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Not the Bath! Anything but the Bath!

Poor Ebenezer is not a fan of taking baths, unless he can be in the tub with Mommy. Unfortunately our new house only has a stand up shower, so his only option right now is the sink tub.

Since this is the case, I now frequently get faces like this...

Whew! Mom, that was awful!
Boy, am I glad that's over!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Mother's Day

This year I got to celebrate my first Mother's Day! Chris made it so special by surprising me with a card, out to lunch after church and a great family nap! I can't believe how blessed I am to get to be Ebenezer's mother!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Breast feeding: The Good, The Bad and The Milky - Bonding

So as I discovered, breast feeding isn't the easiest job, and it doesn't come as naturally as I thought it would - but it has some hidden benefits I didn't know about before.

1.) It's a need only you can supply.
This sounds like a strange benefit, but if you are exclusively breast feeding YUO are the only person who can fill your baby's need to eat. It's pretty cool to be able to so directly meet a need like that. Since you are the only one feeding him, you also know exactly what he's been eating, how often, how much and what you've been eating too. This can be really helpful in diagnosing that cry, you know exactly when he ate last so you can have a pretty good guess as to whether he's hungry or there's a different problem. If your day has gotten more hectic than you planned, stopping to feed your baby gives you time to regroup and also focus on your little one who might have been overlooked in the flurry of activity. Finally, since you are the only one feeding him, you are guaranteed that quality time with him.

2.) Sweet snuggles.
I cannot describe how precious it is to have your baby reach up to hold your shirt, grab your finger or put his little hand on you chest just to be that much closer to you. It melts my heart every time! Several times Eb has had his hand on either side of his meal while he is eating almost as though to say 'Oh, Momma don't go anywhere!'. Talk about precious!

3.) First conversations.
Often when Eb is done eating, and not ready to sleep, he will sit and 'talk' with me! I love hearing his little voice and the new sounds he tries almost every day! I really feel strongly that if I want him to talk with us (and listen to us) about important things when he is older, I need to listen to the things HE finds important while he's small. Obviously he's not stringing understandable words together right now, but I consider these times good practice for both of us - plus his little grins and earnest faces while he coos are just too fun to miss!

4.) Lots of time for prayer.
Studying my little man while he eats is most often when I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude that I get to have such a wonderful little person in my life and in my care. It makes for a perfect time to pour my thankfulness out to the Lord, marvel at His creativity and handiwork, and pray, pray, pray for his future. I know the Lord has wonderful plans for my little son and I am do grateful I get to play a part in them!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Glimpses of our new home!

You can just barely see our lake outside!
While its not quite ready for a close up yet, here is our new place! It is strange and exciting at the same time to be back. For those of you who dont know, my family lived here for six years right after our house burned down. Many of my first memories were made in this house and now my son's first memories will be here too! While I am enjoying the experience, it's still a rather odd sensation!

I am having fun picking out wall colors and other house things like replacement lanolium, but I can now understand a little better why all the choices involved in building a house would be overwhelming! Also we have a yard! It needs some cleaning up but I am so excited to get to landscape our own place! This is the first time in our married lives that we've had a yard and I'm trying really hard to pace myself with all the things u would like to do!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Three Months!

My boy is growing so quickly! It is wonderful to see what changes and adventures each new day brings!

Just last week Eb turned 3 months and we heard his first laugh! He now sits really well in his Bumbo, loves to grab his toes during diaper changes, has added squealing to his vocal repitruar, rolls onto his side (but not all the way over yet), focuses on and tracks objects really well with his eyes and wants to walk so bad! He likes to be held so that he can push with his legs and "stand". He has almost out grown his 3-6 months clothes and has started into his 6-9 months clothes! Although we can't see them yet he has started working on teething and seems to drool non-stop. In short he has to be the coolest 3 month old in existence!

Not that I'm biased or anything :)
Oh Hai Momma!
Contemplating the issues of the world....
I can fly!
My beautiful boy!