So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Nap Time Sillies

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming with this super cute commercial - nap time sillies!

When Chris is at work Eb, Evie and I often nap together in the big bed.  I can't effectively rock Eb and Evie at the same time, and Eb needs some help going to sleep still, and Evie isn't real great at naps without nursing through them, and I reply on naps to catch up on the sleep I lose during the night - so the easiest solution is to pile in bed together!  

It melts my heart how often Eb falls asleep touching Evie's head...

All of us sleeping in the same bed can make for some silly bonding when we wake up, like Evie tasting big brother's arm while he is trying to help her hold her head up for instance...

All in all we really just enjoy the snuggles!

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