So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Evie: Five Weeks!

Our week in pictures...

Eb loves watching and helping when Evie gets a change so we have a chair beside the changing table to keep him from climbing the sides - he is up and don so fast its hard to catch a picture of him though!

I finally started cleaning up my hair cut!  I chopped it all off before Evie was born hoping it would be simpler to care for - but immediately regretted it!  I'm now in the long process of growing it out and had to take care of the mullet look!  At least there will be less evidence of the massive post baby hair loss in the shower with it this length.

We took advantage of a gorgeous day at Grandma's to break out the pool one last time before fall...

But we got chased in by a very sudden rain storm, lightening and all!

So while we were inside Eb found one of Deborah's dolls and decided to call it his baby :)

That night Eb found the HUGE box of Gold fish and decided they should be more accessible to snacking, specifically right next to him at all times.

Eb got a new book when Grandma and Granddad came back from heir anniversary trip (Three Billy Goats Gruff) and wanted to read it over and over!

Snuggling my sweet girl...

Look how cute she is :)

Trying to catch some of her first smiles!

She is getting better and better at holding her head up!

But it does get heavy from time to time...

Caught him!

Chris made us a feast and it was a beautiful night so we took advantage of the weather to get some outside time!

Eb entertaining Evie after nap...

Eb thought we got Evie's playmat out for him!  He calls it his tent!

Taking a page from Pandora's book to see if boxes are really as fun as they look!

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