So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Birth Story Part 3: Prenatal Care

*Disclaimer*  This post, and subsequent ones, will probably contain quite a bit of TMI and be quite long.  Feel free to skip to cute baby pictures if you're concerned about knowing me a little too well at the end :)  I am including quite a few details both for my memory and for those who might consider a Homebirth.  Obviously, every birth, momma, midwife and situation is unique.  Please don't substitute my opinion or experience for your own researched judgement.

I probably broke records for the number of prenatal visits during a healthy pregnancy!  Since I wanted to keep the doors open to me at Clark Memorial I maintained the remainder of my traditional appointments there AND I had Wantina visiting our home more often than she normally might have, so she could get to know me and our new little one in somewhat of a time crunch (we didn't commit to a Homebirth until I was about 28 weeks along).

I'm not sure what I expected from these visits but I was pleasantly surprised at how thorough they were.  She went through standard checks like blood pressure and weight, she even brought strips for to check my urine (these were super broad range and covered more than the ones used in the doctor office, which I've learned really only check for protein).  In addition she asked about my energy, emotions, sleep, how my older one was doing, exercise, vitamins, water and diet.  She made several suggestions for diet changes and exercises to help me prep for labor and keep Evie in the best position possible (back out, head down).  She was super excited to see Standard Process already on our cabinet (the brand of supplements Dr.Grome gives us) and to find out we already use raw milk, kefir and as much organic as we can afford.  I was thrilled she not only knew about these things but also supported and endorsed them (not freak out like so many others in her position).  The more she came the more we discovered we were really a pretty good fit.

We went almost straight into weekly appointments and quickly compiled our list of birth day needs and ordered a complete birth kit from a supplier she recommends (only about 90$!).  At week 38 she had me start using Borage oils capsules in my birth canal to encourage my cervix to ripen (Borage oil contains natural prostigladins similar to semen).

We felt confident that we were doing everything we could to help Evie come on her own - all that was left was the waiting...

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