So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Our Week in Pictures (10/23)

Unfortunately this week was marred by contracting hand, foot and mouth.  Apparently this is a childhood disease that is supposed to be more mild if contracted as an adult... for future reference, it wasn't mild for me.  Evie contracted a very mild case that only lasted a day or two, while my case lasted most of the week. 

Hanging out on the couch with convalescent Momma.

Eb thought my blisters needed a bandaid....

So many blisters...

These helped my sore throat most from the hand foot and mouth.  I was worried about taking antihistamines because it might hurt my milk production so these were the next best option.

Having fun with puddles!

Evie on one of her first really long walks...

Bath time is so much more fun when brother helps!

Our first fire of the season, I love being a fire bug!

Soaking up books with Daddy.

Crazy crawler!

Nap time is the best...

Crazy cat! Can you find her?

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