So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Coolest Hubby Ever!

Hubs and Pandora, hanging out.
I wanted to take a moment and brag on my husband.  He has been so amazing through this whole crazy transition and if it wasn't for his support and reminders I would have turned tail and ran back home long before now. In spite of my conviction that this is where we are supposed to be it has been a rough transition and there have been tears on more than one occasion, but Chris has been understanding and encouraging and with his help I feel more confident than ever that this is where we are supposed to be for now.  I have been so busy most of the time since we have gotten down here that Chris has taken over most of the house chores that I used to do, while I wish I could do these it has been wonderful to have that burden lifted while I am settling into my new responsibilities.  It has been so nice to come home from a full day and realize Chris has already done the dishes or laundry or whatever I was dreading tackling when I got home!  He has recently learned how to make sour-dough bread out of some starter given to us by some friends, it has been so nice to smell it cooking in the house.  Hopefully as the semester progresses things will go back to normal and I will be able to take some of these responsibilities back from Chris, but for now it is comforting to know I don't have to worry about them!

1 comment:

  1. kudos to Chris! enjoy this wonderful time and the blessings from the Lord!

    (and I'm working on a reply to your email...I'm shocked at how crazy my life has become, but more on that later. for now, I miss you!)
