So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Trying to 'de-smoke' our apartment...

The previous tenants of our apartment were smokers and you could really tell when we moved in!  We were hoping thorough cleaning and just living here would eventually dissipate the smell, and while it has diminished over time I can still smell a lingering smoke smell on my clothes and in the apartment after we have been away for awhile.  We got a small air purifier about a month ago hoping this would get rid of the smell.  While it diminished the smell further when on, and helped us sleep, it wasn't big enough to take care of the whole apartment and if it is off for any amount of time the smell comes back.

While asking around most people suggested at least steam cleaning the carpets, so when we got a surprise residual check I went on the hunt for a high quality carpet cleaner.  We found a company in our price range but before calling them to make an appointment Chris suggested asking our Landlady if she would pitch in. I'm so glad he did!  She offered to pay for all of it to get the ducts cleaned if needed!  But she wanted us to talk to her guy before having someone else clean the carpets.

Her guy turned out to be the same one who did such a poor job cleaning our apartment in the first place!  He did offer a service the other group did not, it was a spray called a odor counteract ant.  He reassured us that it didn't just cover the odor and it came in a perfume free version.  I looked it up and his story seemed to check out.  So we decided to give that a try along with the carpet cleaning.  We scheduled the spray guy to come early this morning and the carpet guys later this afternoon, that way the spray would dry before they got to work on the carpets and we would have time to hang our pictures back up and get other things off the floors.... but the spray guy was late, really late.  He only got here an hour before the carpet guys, the stuff he was spraying definitely had perfume and we were hard pressed to get stuff up off the floors for the carpet cleaners... GAH!

Sorry, just a little overwhelmed because I also had my first Plant Phys exam today! (It went quite well though I think)  But, this day is finished, we have clean carpets and we are waiting to see if the smell will go away from the spray or if we will need to rent an industry strength air purifier.  Until then we now have the job of putting everything back on our walls and in its place, it almost looks as though we are getting ready to move again.

It has been a long day, but my reassurance is that we did not have to pay for all this (except in time and work)!  God has been so good to provide for even little things we need/want, like a nicer smelling apartment!

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