So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

What does it mean to you to have an 'Everlasting God'?

I had a neat experience this Sunday morning.  I have recently been struggling with all of the changes that seem to have happened suddenly over the last few months (specifically the move to Florida and all that has entailed), and was really encouraged this morning about those changes.  Honestly I was not in a very worshipful mood going into church, I had missed the last two Sundays and when that happens it makes me apprehensive when I am next able to go.  Also I have somewhat different taste than the music team at the church we are currently attending, sometimes they are dead on and I have a great time worshiping, other times I am just annoyed at the worship selections.  It looked like it was going to be one of those annoying mornings as the music started up, fortunately the second song straightened my attitude out and it was also the one that was so encouraging to me.  It was called 'Everlasting God', and I hadn't heard it before today.  This song focused on and extolled the unchanging qualities of our Lord.  

It reminded me that the permanence I desire can never be found on this earth because everything around us will change, Chris and I will age, we will move multiple times in the future, I am not always going to be in school, and then after that we will change jobs, when we have children they will grow up to be on their own someday, friendships will start, stop change and fade.  Only God can and will remain the same.  Our relationship with Him is the only permanent thing we will ever experience.  I felt encouraged that we are in this world because we are like this world in that we are changeable, and thank God we are!  Otherwise we would never turn from our sin and seek after Him.  But the desire for permanence that resides in our hearts also belongs there because our souls seek the never changing God, we seek something permanent.  As C.S. Lewis said this universal desire for permanence, the desire never to die, is an indication that we were created for a place in which permanence can be achieved, for a person who never dies.

For some the idea of God never changing may seem like a terrible thing because they seem Him as angry at them or constantly seeking justice, some may think a God who never changes is boring even.  But through the scriptures I see that this quality can be immensely reassuring, it means that His attitude toward me (seeking to do me good -Jeremiah 29:11) will never change - no matter what mistakes I make.  It means that when everything around me seems upside down, I can depend on God to be there and to be Himself (in control of all, powerful and Holy) just as He was when things were calm.  It means I can always depend on Him to pour out His love, mercy and provision no matter what comes.

This may seem like a lot to pull from one song, but that was part of why it was so reassuring to me.  This song may not have the same effect on anyone else who heard it, but it reminded me of many truths which I was already aware, and pulled them together in such a way as to provide me with a peace and confidence about where God has us that I have not experienced since we moved here.  So, does God's everlasting quality bring you peace?  I hope so.

1 comment:

  1. wonderful reflections dear! so glad that you can take such comfort in this :)
