So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Our silly Kitty...

While Cris was working on his school a few days ago he called me into the office excitedly where I found our cat attacking a pair of costume bunny ears!  Chris said he had heard her messing with the boxes in the closet and then she emerged with the ears and proceeded to play with and attack them! it was hilarious and I hope this link to the video works!  Hope you enjoy the antics of our sill kitty!
In the first video she wasn't tired and liked tossing them up in the air!  In the second she was getting tired because it was taken after she had already packed the ears all over the house, and informed us with loud meowing every time she did it!  Sorry they are so dark... and sideways.  I thought the video worked like when I take picture and would be seen lengthwise... I was wrong!

1 comment:

  1. so cute! watching cats play is one of the simple joys in life :)
