So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Grand Getaway: Part 4

Day five was spent around camp and exploring some of the lodges, we also made a stop at the discovery cabin for Hannah!  Lake MacDonald lodge is one of my parents' favorites because of its huge fireplace and because it has some of the best food in the park.  I fell in love with their hanging baskets and window boxes!  While we were there Hannah also got us our first piece of baby clothing, a bib that says 'I want S'more!' and has 'Glacier National Park' underneath.  It was great!  To top it all off, Bubba nearly made me cry when he asked me to help him pick out a beautiful mug for Mom, spending a good deal of his hard earned money in the process.  That night Beth, Devin, Chris and I watched the kids so Dad could take Mom back to the lodge for a surprise anniversary dinner!  Oh did I mention we got ice cream?! It was a good day!
A very big paw print found outside the park!

A flannel board masterpiece!

GAH! I wish I could grow these! I think its the cool nights that makes them so big!

A bee butt!
Our new bib!

Day six was our last big day at the campsite, so it called for another hike!  Chris, Dad and the big kids went on another long hike with lots of elevation change, but in an area none of them had been to before.  Mom, myself and the rest of us went exploring in a different park of the park!  Chris and the guys did part of the Piegon Pass hike, but not the whole thing since there had been some bear attacks further up before we arrived.

Apparently some rock climbing was in order!

And some planking!

Fortunately no bears were seen on this hike!  The guys took the shuttle back to camp and actually beat us home and had supper started when we got there!
Two Medicine Lake

 How do you get these smiles? You tell a joke!  The guy who took our picture told us this one.

"What do you call a bear with no teeth?"

"A Gummy Bear!"


 My acrobats enjoyed the challenge of logs across a shallow creek, especially when Mom said they didn't have to worry about getting wet!

19 weeks and still going strong!

OK, maybe not that strong!  I love the rockers at East Glacier Lodge!

The flower gardens at East Glacier are awesome too!

After a full day it was time to get ready for the drive in the morning and take our farewell walks.  Chris and I took one more along Avalanche Creek.

Big Bunny! We think it was a snow hare!

Never a dull moment with my hubby!

He's gonna pop!

Farewell Glacier! Until next time!

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