So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Little tastes of God's tangible provision!

Providing for our new little one is never far from our mind, especially now that it is more evident I am pregnant.  We have done extensive planning on how to fit necessary items into our small apartment, and figuring out what items really are essential on top of that planning!  There are several items that people often buy when they have a room that can be totally dedicated to baby that we are going to have to modify a bit.  For example, many ladies I know are able to have a dresser and a changing table, while we are hoping to use the top of our baby's dresser as the changing table and eliminate one of the pieces of furniture in that room. 

While I have always been confident that God will provide, I always expected that provision to be in the form of showers and forgot all about hand-me-downs!  We are blessed to be in a church with lots of young families and therefore lots of potential hand-me-downs.  Sadly, one of the families is going to be moving out of the country soon and in doing so there a parring down a lot of their belongings.  We have been one of several benefactors of this process!  

During my planning I always thought a co-sleeper would be nice to make nursing and feeding through the night easier, but as it wasn't one of our completely necessary items I wasn't planning on it.  But this family offered me theirs since their baby has almost out-grown its usefulness!  It was such an encouragement to me that God really provides, and sometimes for your wants, not just your needs!

So here is the newest piece of furniture we received!  It is kind of like a bassinet but made so that you can reach the baby while still in bed!  It straps around the mattress with clips so there is no danger of the baby rolling out the more open side. 
One side is lower to make getting baby easier.

Plus it is a nice brown which will go with either boy or girl colors!  We are so thankful and excited about our gift!
Straps will go under the mattress and attach here!

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