So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Monday, January 16, 2012

41 weeks and 2 days!

 Here we are still waiting on our little man's arrival!  I am feeling much more at peace about what is to come however it works out.  I am still praying he can drop and come naturally, but the Lord has had it all under control the last nine months and I need to trust He still knows what is best!
 In the mean time Pandora has enjoyed my belly, she thinks it is the perfect perch!  At this point I really don't mind and am hoping it might even push Eb down a bit!
The birthing ball one of my friends loaned me has been really nice to hang out on - plus I feel like sitting on it encourages him to move down more than just a chair!

Hopefully we will have pictures of Mr. Eb in person soon!  Until then, just waiting...

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