So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Enjoying my Familia...

I was so fortunate to have part of my family down during the weeks before Eb was born!  Mom, the boys boys and Hannah were down first.  When it became obvious that Eb was going to be quite late, Dad drove down part way and traded the boys for Deborah so he would have more help to hold him over until Mom headed back.  Fortunately, this meant Mom was able to stay a week more than planned and be with me during Eb's first week.

During this time Mom helped me work on some of my research, we took the kids to the natural history museum, we spent some time walking outside and out and about - one of the main focuses for the kids though was working on school! 

Chris was able to help a lot while I continued work on my research and other work getting ready for Eb.

Pandora of course was a big attraction as well!

 Bubby had fun photographing her with my new camera.

Toys were frequently used in ways she was not accustomed to...

She found out how confusing two laser pointers at one time could be...

And she decided Hannah was a good cuddle buddy to watch birds with outside!

Sadly, I didn't get a lot of pictures while the boys were here - but we did get some more when Deborah made it down!

Here we are the day before I was induced - still waiting hopefully for spontaneous labor at 41 weeks and 3 days!

The day before we had to go to the hospital all of us girls went to a vintage jewelry shop in McIntosh.  Not only did they have jewelry, but they had lots of hats! Deborah pulled off every one she put on her head!

We had so much fun!  It was hard to get Deborah to leave!

I am so thankful to have had so much time with my family, both before and after Eb's birth!

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