So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Baby Cuteness: The first week

It was wonderful to come home with our precious new bundle!  Our first week was full of learning and short on sleep, but fortunately we had Mom and the girls to help us out!

Eb had some belly issues the first couple nights he was home and we think it was the antibiotics working out of his system - aside from that you couldn't ask for a more snugly sweet little boy!

It was so fun to see my Mom with her first grandbaby, to say she was smitten is the understatement of the year!  I am so grateful she was able to be here his first week and can't wait for her next visit!

It was also very special for me to see Granddaddy with Eb.  While he was a bit hesitant at fist, baby wrangling skills came back quickly and he was soon handling Eb like a pro!

For some reason Eb likes to sleep with at least one arm over his head most of the time!

Daddy loved spending time with his boy, especially on the rare occasions he was able to get him away from Mom and me!

It is just as much fun to watch him sleep as he is to watch awake!  He looks like a determined little boxer here!

Sleeping was also when we caught his first smile!

Precious picture... 82 year old hands admiring brand new baby ones...

My sister and I as babies.  Both Mom and I feel like Eb looked like us as babies!

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