So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Pregnancy's Dirty Little Sectrets: Part 5 - It's Not All Bad!

To finish off this series of the things I didn't expect during pregnancy I want to emphasis some of the awesome things that I didn't know were coming.  I don't think I need my disclaimer as much for this post, but just so you know where this is coming from I mention it anyway! 

While many of the things I've mentioned so far have been awkward, I still would have liked to know about them ahead of time so I could be a bit more prepared.  In the same way I wish I could have heard more about the cool things that accompany pregnancy, although I don't think they could have prepared me for some of these on my list!

1.)  You get to participate in a miracle!
       How crazy is it that you have been given the opportunity to create a whole new life with your husband, and then get to carry that new life as it grows and develops!?!?  Two little cells unite and form a whole new human being over nine months - and you are part of it!

2.)  Realization of how fearfully and wonderfully we are made!
      It has been so amazing for me to keep up with all the development that was happening so rapidly within my body!  From the joining of the chromosomes in those first two separate cells, to the precise multiplication and then differentiation of those resulting cells, to the weaving and developing of organs and bones and skin and heartbeat - oh, I just get so overwhelmed at it all!  Not only did all of these things have to be made and come together to form our new little man, but the timing and order of it all had to be just perfect.  Truly, our very form speaks of the glory of God and His powerful creative works!

3.)  Realization of how powerless you are in this whole process...
      Even though I can keep up with what has been happening in my body, I could not make any of this development happen on my own in any way - and in some ways I don't think I could handle being in charge of any of that development!  So many things were happening all at the same time and had to happen in perfect concert with each other in order for our perfect little boy to develop that I am regularly overwhelmed that he is here at all!  It is amazing that all of these things happened in my body without and conscious input or requirements from me except the consent to carry this miracle in process.

4.)  The 'weight' of carrying new life
       When its just you to care for and worry about, there is responsibility to make good decisions - but knowing you hold someone else's life within you and you are in charge of that life is a whole different matter entirely! It can be overwhelming to know that what I eat the baby eats, my heart rate affects his heart rate, if I fall it can seriously hurt him, if I don't sleep enough it can be bad for him and even my stress level can affect him!  While this can be very intimidating, it is also an honor to be entrusted with this new little person and his safety.

5.)  Dreaming about what kind of person he will be...
      The possibilities are endless! It is so neat to think that this new little person is starting from scratch and is born with his own unique set of talents and his own unique purpose in life!  Even in the womb I feel like that little personality is being formed and it can be so much fun to speculate how that will develop!

6.) Anticipation of what your new one will look like...
     Will he have Mom's eyes? What about Dad's hair? Or Grandpa's chin?  So many fun things to speculate about and the combinations are of course limitless!

Well, in case you were wondering about all those things you might never hear about pregnancy, I hope I've satisfied your curiosity!  I'm sure the list will be different next time around as every pregnancy is different - but if you ever have a question don't be afraid to ask - just remember these posts and be sure you really want to hear the answer!  I might tell you a bit more than you wanted to know!

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