So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Oh, Hello 2012! How long have you been here?

Wow! A fresh, new year has really crept up on me!  While I don't always make a New Year's resolution, I do appreciate the opportunity New Year's represents to reflect on the previous year and think about goals and improvements I want to make in the coming one.  Needless to say, I'm rather behind in even doing that this year!  While reflecting on all that happened in 2011 and all that is about to happen in 2012 I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude. 

2011 was such a full year, with blessed time with family and the brand new experience of carrying a baby - I am in awe at the tangible provisions and protections from the Lord I can see scattered through the year.  Knowing all of the development that has happened and complications that could have arisen during my pregnancy with Eben, that fact that I have healthily carried him full term seems like such miracle!

2012 has so much in store for our little family.  I am expanding my PhD project, Chris is going to have an internship which will hopefully allow him to graduate this coming winter, and we are going to learn how to be parents!  I have so many plans and can see so many areas in my life that need improvement, including expansions on last year's resolutions, but - in spite of my compulsive desire to plan all of 2012 out right here right now - I feel it much more important to rest and bask in the fact that God is keeping His promises, and to trust in His faithfulness to do the same in this fresh new year.

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