So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, August 10, 2012

You Might Be a Momma If...

Nursing is such a sweet time for bonding with Ebenezer. I find that as this has become more routine I am tempted to take it for granted and seek entertainment from books and my iPhone while he eats. I was brought back to reality of how precious these times are when I read the story of a Momma who lost her 4 month old to SIDS recently. That combined with how quickly he is growing reminded me that this precious season is a short one and only happens once.

So recently I have been putting down the phone and soaking in all the little moments I don't want to forget with my little man...

How he watches me while nursing, listening to me talk or sing until, with a roll of his eyes, he gives up and falls asleep...

How he always wants to touch me, whether that's holding my hand, grabbing my shirt or simply resting his hand on my chest.

The little ear imprint left in the crook of my arm after I lay him down.

How he sometimes tries to talk and smile with his mouth full - and the amazing range of motion he has with those eyebrows!

That hilarious rooting reflex that kicks in even when he's asleep! I take him off but he still gropes and hunts for more with his eyes closed and mouth open.

Marveling at his ability to breathe even though his nose is usually squished.

How beautiful his long, dark lashes look while he is asleep.

Finding myself overwhelmed with gratitude at the fact that this new little person is part of my life and praising God for every perfect detail.

Praying for his future and marveling at all the ways I feel God is going to use the little man. Sometimes it feels like I'm wrestling for some of that future...

Oh how sweet it is to be Mommy!

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