So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, March 15, 2013

22 weeks or Update on my bumper!

Our little girl is growing so fast! I took some time to refresh myself on what's been happening with her development the last few weeks and was humbled anew at the awesome act of creation God is allowing me to support and carry!

This is the last week of the fifth month and boy has this month been busy! Evelyn now has unique fingerprints and is covered in vernix to protect her from getting wrinkly in all that amniotic fluid. Neurons are now fully connected from brain to muscle so she is practicing all kinds of important moves including hiccups, yawning, sucking, making faces and ballet (at least that's what it feels like!)! Her cartilage is starting to turn to bone so those cool dance moves are becoming stronger and more noticeable. She is also able to hear what's going on through the womb (including big brother and kitty), taste some of what Momma is eating, respond to light and grasp the umbilical cord. She may finally be 1 pound (or close at least even though she measures a little small) and is about 8 inches rump to crown. Even though she is growing lots of lovely hair it hasn't started making pigment yet, so we're just going to have to wait on that mystery!

On a more Momma related note, I am getting to feel Eva move daily now! At the beginning her movements really did feel like popcorn popping! Much more fluttery and, well, girly than Eb's first wiggles. While she is getting stronger and much more noticeable, her moves are still differing from Eb in several ways. I feel her much more often throughout the day but for shorter sessions, just a few good bumps or nudges here and there, not the prolonged boxing sessions Eb would have. Maybe it's just because she is still smaller than Eb at this point but I also haven't felt any of the drum roll repeating movements like I did with Eb either. Nine the less all her moves are a delight and reassurance to me that all is well.

I am still feeling good and my energy is much better than a few weeks ago. My apatite is also increasing some, though still nothing compared to Eb at this point. I've heard that some women are hungrier with boys and that seems to be holding true for me. I've still not gained much but I think I'm finally holding onto a few more pounds than before. No swelling or puffiness yet (Yay!) and no backache to speak of, though my back does get tired after a long day on my feet.

I'm still nursing Eb about four times a day and trying to figure out the best way to cut back. We've cut out almost all sessions except those that deal with sleep (two naps and bedtime - the other is when he first wakes up and just to give Chris and I a few extra minutes sleep), the problem is that he loves to nurse to sleep. We've decided to wait until he's finished with this most recent round of teething before tackling a big change like this. I'll be happy to let you know how it goes (and I might be seeking a little sympathy too)!

We are trying to decide on a nick name for Evelyn and I'm having a hard time! We have three we're trying to decide between, Evie (short e at the beginning long e on end), Eva (yes, like the robot on Wall-E), and Evie (long e at the beginning). I like the first because it sounds the closest to Evelyn, but I'm afraid it's too similar to Eb (which we use a lot!). I like the last two as well and have been bouncing between them a lot. What do you think?

Aaaannd here's pregger pictures (with a little cameo by Eb)!

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