So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Redeeming the time..

I have been digesting a lot of junk lately.  Not junk food, junk media.  My brain had a hard time recovering from the PhD, and then I was suffering some pretty extreme fatigue after Eb was born and we moved here.  My brain was so mushy I couldn't really absorb anything more dense than Harry Potter, and I didn't try.  I've known for a few months that with a little effort I could get back into heavier books, I just haven't mustered the gumption to do so.  Well after watching a whole series of a TV series and reading Harry Potter for the second time, along with lots of other brain decaying entertainments, I finally put my foot down.  That was when I started trying to read through the Bible in six months.  As inconsistent as I have been it has been really enriching, challenging and encouraging.  Sadly I haven't taken it much beyond this.  

I have recently been convicted that I will never have time like this again.  I nurse Ebenezer four times a day, two of them are perfect for reading.  During that time I have no distractions, many times I spend two hours at a time in my nursing chair because he is teething and won't sleep on his own.  What better opportunity could I ask for to read all those great books on my shelves, many of which I have never finished?

So here is my public announcement - my stand.  Hopefully it will help me to be more accountable.  I need to redeem this precious time to fill my mind with good, wholesome and enriching media, books and ideas.

If I want my children to fill their minds with these things (and I do) I need to lead by example.

 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  Philippians 4:8

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