So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, March 1, 2013

I don't brag on my hubby enough...

After a full day at his internship Chris came home and entertained Eb so I could make us dinner. After playing with our boy he took him to get ready for bed. As I was gathering things for nursing/bed time ritual I could hear him singing silly, made up on the spot songs to entertain Eb (my heart just melted). Then it was time to snuggle and read stories with Daddy (Eb Loves this time with his Daddy every night and has trouble getting to sleep on days when Chris works late). Did I mention he also brought me home doughnuts?

I am so thankful for a husband who values both Eb and I. Who is working hard to finish his degree so he can provide for us. Who doesn't complain about the dirty dishes and laundry I often don't get to, and instead rolls up his sleeves to help me get the house clean. Who spends his Saturday afternoons chopping wood to feed our stove. Who gets up early with Eb to give me an extra hour of sleep in the morning. Who isn't afraid of stinky diapers. Who is willing to have a little lower standard of living so that I can stay home with our children. Who remembers what kind of doughnuts his pregnant wife is craving :)

For all of these reasons, and so many more, I am eternally grateful to have Chris as my husband.

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