So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Need a change?

So I know every Momma thinks her son is the smartest and best, but mine really is :)

After dinner Eb showed me the sign for diaper change that he is learning.  I was skeptical because we had just changed about an hour ago, but wanted to reinforce the meaning of his sign.  He led me all the way from the kitchen to the changing table in his room, completely task oriented.  Sure enough, he was wet!  Not super wet, mind you, but he definitely knew what he was talking about!  See?  I told you I have the smartest, bestest boy in the whole world!

Does this mean we're ready for super duper early potty training?  Probably not, but its a fun theory!

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