So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Peach Watch!

 This Tuesday (the 22nd) I was at Citra again to apply a different kind of fertilizer, and here are the gorgeous peaches that met me!  I was amazed at how big they already are, in MARCH!

I took a couple of pictures next to my hand so you can get a size comparison.  Hopefully we will be harvesting mid to late April at the rate they are going.  I can't wait!

Right next to my peaches is a plot of early ripening blueberries.  They too are way further along than I expected!  Although they aren't changing color yet, they may be ripe early next month!  I can't wait because I have already offered to swap labor for fruit, and some of the folks in blueberries have offered me the same for peaches.

Welcome to early summer in Florida!

Chris kept me company while doing some studying!

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