Lunch! |
The next day with Shane was more relaxed, we stayed close to home with the exception of a tour around campus and out favorite grocery, Ward's. Friday was another adventure! The afternoon started at Five Guys Burgers and Fries, very tasty, I highly recommend it! Then we went to Paynes Prairie, a nearby preserve that Chris has been to but I have not. It was amazing the number of alligators we saw! We passed a father and son and overheard the son keeping track, we weren't even half way through and he was up to 28! It was a neat walk and I'm sure my brothers would love it, but I don't suggest it for little people! That evening Shane treated us to a home made feast! Fried scallops, mushroom and onion risotto, baked squash, and tiny cheesecakes with blackberries for desert! I think I watched closely enough that I can repeat the risotto (he has made the risotto for us before and its probably my favorite!), OH and caprise salad for an appetizer! Then he showed us the movie Inception... I'm still trying to decide what I think about it. It was very well made and interesting, I just don't like the implications of messing with someone's mind through their dreams!
Big beautiful live oak! |
Unfortunately we didn't see any of the other animals listed here. |
The thing that looks like a busted tire is a gator... |
Hello gator on the trail! |
The gator that was behind us in previous picture! |
Mushrooms and onions for the risotto... |
Finished yummy risotto! |
The Master Chef! |
Our feast! |
Yummo! |
We finished out the weekend relaxing with Shane, going to a local flea market, watching movies and playing pokemon! (Shane had just bought the new pokemon game and was playing it and it made Chris want to play too!) After Shane headed home Sunday morning Spring Break was officially over, now back to the work I tried to ignore the whole last week!
man, all the food in this post makes me hungry!! everything sounds wonderful (except for the gators...)