So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What do you do with a two whole flats of strawberries?

 Find lots of ways to eat them of course!

As you saw from the posts at the strawberry festival, strawberries are in season here in Florida!  The Horticulture Club at the University of Florida apparently holds a strawberry sale every year to earn money for the club.  because they buy the strawberries in season and at wholesale prices, they offer them for a really good price.  I only paid $10 per flat!  (Each flat holds 8 quarts- the container size you get in the grocery- so I essentially paid $1.25/quart!) So I bought two!
Then I got them home and thought 'Oh no, now what am I going to do!?!'.  But never fear! Not a berry went to waste!  What did I do with them all?  Well you will have to wait for the next few posts to find out!

Not responsible for: drool damage to computer during future posts, sudden berry cravings, or berry burn-out!

1 comment:

  1. so jealous!! i would have loved to get great berries so cheap! you have to check out the strawberry rhubarb crisp on my blog :)
