So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Late Thankful Thursday

Sadly I haven't been very consistent with my Thankful Thursday posts. They have frequently been on my mind, but usually after Thursday!  This week I decided to post anyway and hope that you would understand!

This week I am thankful that Chris has been safe on his trip.  He is doing two sets of classes this summer where he has to be on campus for a week for each class.  In an effort to save a lot of money he experimented with couch surfing, where people all over the country allow fols to stay on their couch for free.  I was very nervous about this because these people are strangers to us and we don't know many people who have experience with this.  I ultimately had to trust his judgement and the fact that he is a third degree black belt and fully capable of fending for himself!  He has had a great experience so far.  The first place he stayed didn't have central air but his host was congenial while not pressuring Chris to act the guest.  The person he is staying with for the second week has central air (yay!) and is giving Chris one of his spare bedrooms to use, oh and did I mention this second person is a Star Trek fan and has a pretty nice DVD collection?  Let's just say Chris is glad he doesn't have any homework this weekend!

I am also super thankful that my friend Adrienne came down to stay with me for most of this time!  I'm usually okay during the day when Chris is gone, but after dark I get really anxious, especially if I know he won't be coming home... so until Adrienne got here I had been going to bed very early!

Something I'm quickly learning not to take for granted is feeling good and good health during my pregnancy.  I am so thankful that the little morning sickness I had continues to let up and that all body signs indicate that our little jelly bean is developing normally!

What were you thankful for this week?

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