So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

We interrrupt your regularly scheduled program...

Chris and I just celebrating our Fifth wedding anniversary this weekend!  While we were busy celebrating, planning and pursuing other projects it was rather amazing to reflect on all that has happened in such a short time.

Disclaimer: This post is about to get very retrospective and possibly mushy.  If this bothers your stomach, feel free to skip to another post!

Looking back on the last five years and how happy I am in our marriage now, I like to think its something I did to make our marriage wonderful.  Some extra planning, listening or compromise on my part must be why we feel so successful and content, right?  After seeing Chris' parents go through such a drawn out divorce I will say we devoted a lot of time and thought to how we could avoid finding ourselves in the same situation twenty five years from now, but in all honesty neither of us can take the credit for making it this far.  It is purely the grace of God showered on our lives.

His grace opened our eyes to the mistakes we wanted to avoid in the relationships we could see around us, His grace guided us through what sinful tendencies in our own lives needed addressed before they could becoming areas of dissension, His grace gave us the grace to love each other when we were less than loveable and return gentle words for the harsh ones given.  Don't get me wrong, we didn't start out jiving all the time and calmly explaining how the other might have hurt us, but God kept our hearts tender towards each other and reminded us why we were committed to making this work - and it has so been worth every minute!  Every tongue bitten, every annoyance endured, every apology offered, every forgiveness granted - they have all brought us closer, made us stronger and made our marriage oh so much sweeter. 

When we first got married I didn't understand how it could get any better, we were in love, how does it get better than that?  Our love now is deeper, more secure, for the storms it has weathered (however serious or silly those storms were), it is , dare I say, comfortable.  I used to dread that word in a relationship.  I thought it meant the couple had quit trying, or was truly bored with their relationship, but that's not what I mean.  I feel safe with Chris, and because I feel safe with him I am comfortable.  I'm not concerned what he will think if I act silly, or share my craziest thoughts.  I know he has seen me at my worst and still loved me, so I no longer fear his reaction or rejection.  It reminds me of the love Christ has for us (which is what marriage was partially created for, right?), while Chris is obviously not perfect he does try to show me a Christ-like love, an accepting and sacrificial love - a love that casts out fear.

               There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth our fear.  1 John 4:18

That verse used to confuse me, but through God's grace and the example of my husband's love, it now brings me great joy and a deeper understanding of the love of Christ for His children.  I thank God often for the time he has given me with my husband and the blessing of growing with him over the last five years!  I can't wait to see what the future will bring!

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