So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Things I'm Thankful For...

It is time for another thankful Thursday!  I promise to get some other posts up about life in general and baby in particular, but for right now this is all I've got!

Having Options for Prenatal Vitamins
It sounds silly, but I can't usually take those One-A-Day vitamins, even when I'm not pregnant, they just turn my stomach no matter how much I eat.  Fortunately I have a liquid multivitamin that meets all the prenatal requirements, this was a life saver during the weeks of severe nausea.  I have recently found a gelcap that doesn't upset my stomach which has been great for on the go mornings and I have had fun trying the plethora of vitamins that I received during my first appointment.  Ultimately I am thankful there are so many options for prenatals!

Having AD to Squeeze my Hand
This week I had to get my blood drawn for all of the various tests that need run during prenatal doctor's appointments.  Honestly I could have done this at any time since my last appointment, but I was dreading it!  I don't like needles, pain or getting poked.  Since my next appointment is only a week away I really needed to get this over with so they had time to get the results to the midwife.  Fortunately I didn't have to go by myself!  Adrienne came along and distracted me while the nurse did her business... I'm so happy this doesn't have to happen every visit!!!

Chris Comes Home
Need I say more?  He will have been gone two weeks by the time he gets home.  I knew we shared a lot with each other throughout the day, but when you try to condense all of that down to a conversation before bed it really dawned on me how much I usually communicate with him... and how much I miss by not getting to keep that up throughout the day.  Needless to say I'm super excited that he is coming home soon!

We are finally starting into Florida's 'rainy season', which might sound awful to some, but I really enjoy it.  It is usually sunny in the morning, building up to an afternoon or evening thunderstorm.  As long as I can be inside I love these because I enjoy watching storms and listening to the rain.  Additionally, everything green was really beginning to suffer from our recent lack of rain and it has been amazing to see how quickly color can come back to the plants here!

Awesome Neighbors
We are slowly beginning to meet more people around us and one couple actually works in the same department as me.  They were busting up an aloe plant and brought some to share!

What are you thankful for this week?

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