So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Why so quiet?

No, I didn't get raptured, but I have enjoyed the jokes I've seen since then.
               Can't think of a rapture joke? Don't worry - its not the end of the world.

               Rapture jokes are flying like there's no tomorrow.

Yes, yes very groan worthy, but I still enjoyed them.  Seriously though, since I updated you last we have been exceptionally busy, not to mention well traveled.  I have finished classes, Chris finished the round of classes he was on and started into the work for his upcoming intensives, I went to Bowling Green and presented my proposal to my Alma Mater, while there I got to visit many friends, then drove to my family's and spent several days with them, went back to BG for friends graduation, came home to Florida right as peach harvest began, harvested twice and processed all the fruit before flying to Arizona for a weekend and celebrating Chris' mom's wedding with her and her new husband, flying back, harvesting and processing fruit again... and oh yeah, finding out we are pregnant!

As you can see there is LOTS to catch you up on, but right now some rice crispys are calling my name.  I promise to be back shortly with lots of updates, starting with the ones from furthest back to most recent.  I might not talk about them peaches much... its still to fresh and I'm still rather disgusted by them.

I will leave you with this picture though!

1 comment:

  1. glad you're back! can't wait to hear everything, and I'm praying for you!
