So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Catch-up on 37 weeks of pregnancy!

So I obviously haven't done a very good job keeping you up to date on my progress so far, but I'm hoping to make up for lost time in this post!  Here are the photos I have of my and Eb's progress through the weeks!

 <-As best as we can tell, Eb was 5 weeks old when we took this picture!
 When we were visiting Susan and John in Arizona we were about 8 weeks along! ->
 <-We were 14 weeks and had heard Eb's heart beat for the first time at this point!
 At 16 weeks Eb took his first ride on a sedgway! ->
<- At 18 weeks Eb was in Glacier!
 Still at 18 weeks - couldn't help showing off my pregnant hubby again! ->
 <- 19 weeks at the 1880's town!
 21 weeks, slowly growing! ->
 <- 22 weeks and the last time I fit into this dress - for a while at least!
 Pandora thought my belly was a comfy perch from 23 weeks on! ->
 <- 23 weeks without Pandora.
 24 weeks! ->
 <- From 26 weeks on I had to graduate to mostly maternity pants, the jeans in the next picture still worked if I wore a long shirt and pants extenders!
 27 weeks and still growing!  Most of my non-maternity shirts really don't fit at this point, the few I can wear need a really long undershirt! ->
 <- Here we jump to 32 weeks at a picnic at Lake Alice!
 This one is also 32 weeks, but a little further in the week at one of our wonderful showers! ->
 <- Playing shadow puppets at 33 weeks!
 35 weeks and starting to feel the weight! Around here I started to have some swelling, up until this point I was very blessed not to have to deal with much water retention! ->
 And that bring us to today!  37 weeks and Eb is officially considered full term, although it would still be good for him to wait until his due date he is developed enough now that if he were born he wouldn't need any extra time in the hospital!

So thrilled and thankful for a healthy pregnancy thus far, and ready to meet our new little man in three short weeks... or less!

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