So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pregnancy's Dirty Little Secrets: Part 3

Welcome to part three of the many things I wish I'd known to expect about pregnancy!  In case you are new, please read the disclaimer my first secrets post so you are prepared for what you are getting yourself in for.  In short, these are some of the things I wish I'd known were coming as a part of pregnancy, as such you will probably know a few lot more details about my pregnancy than you were prepared for! 

1.) I'll huff and I'll puff... and I'll huff...
Because your new little person needs lots of space to grow he really decreases the amount of space available for the rest of your organs, including your lungs!  Fortunately, your body is much more efficient at capturing oxygen when you are pregnant so this crowding doesn't hurt baby's development - but it can surprise Momma when the flight of stairs that didn't used to wind you causes you to huff and puff!

2.) 'Oh my grandmother, how hairy you are!'
Pregnancy hormones strike again!  Just to be sure your body has all the help it can get to keep its temperature regulated it makes some extra fuzz!  Most of us have a little body hair all over our body but when you are pregnant it becomes much more noticeable and can even become darker!  Again, this is something that will pass once the pregnancy is over, but it can be awkward while you are still pregnant!

3.) Interesting appitite
I really expected to be hungry all the time while I was pregnant, but fortunately that hasn't been the case.  I do have days where I can't seem to get enough to eat, but usually regular meals satisfy me.  I was surprised to learn that this is because your body is much more efficient at using food while you are pregnant!  As Eb has gotten bigger however, it is harder and harder to feel satisfied at one meal because Eb is taking up so much room there isn't much left for your stomach.

4.) Filling up on needed nutrients
In order for the baby to get all the nutrients he needs, I need to eat them first!  This doesn't sound like it should be a problem at first until you start listing out all the things included. You need 80 grams of protein, 1000 mg of calcium, folic acid, at least 64 ounces of water (preferably much more than that), 100% of your pre-pregnancy fiber, and plenty of iron in addition to your healthy diet choices before you became pregnant.  These don't sound so bad, but 80 grams is a lot of protein!  Also, it can get difficult just to fit all the things in you need to eat as you get further along and baby is crowding your stomach.

Tune in soon for more unexpected pregnancy side effects!

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