So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Past

Do you have one of those Christmases where you can look back and appreciate how over the top your parents went for you for Christmas?  I'm not sure how old I was during this particular Christmas, but apparently I wanted a my size car - not just any car, a pink, convertible Barbie car! We still lived at the Rucker house so I know I was under seven years old.  When I came out into the living room I was astounded in every way a 5-6 year could be to find the exact car I wanted sitting in the living room!  We couldn't drive it at the house because of the snow, but we went to Granddaddy's Florida house just a couple short weeks later and got to drive it all around the neighborhood.  I was so thrilled!

Looking back I can see how crazy it was for my Mom and Dad to invest in this for me, but they knew how happy it would make me and decided it was worth it.  While I don't think we will ever be able to get Eb anything this 'over-the-top', I do look forward to seeing his delight  during the Christmas season.

How about you?  Do you remember and 'over-the-top' Christmas from your Mom and Dad?

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