So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Its Good to be Negative!

There is a bacteria that almost all women carry, it isn't always active, but when it is it can mean serious problems if passed to a newborn.  It is Group B Streptococcus and pretty much all pregnant women are now screened for it.  If it is active in your system when you give birth there is a chance you can pass it to your baby during delivery - which could cause all kinds of complications including pneumonia.  To avoid these complications, if you are an active carrier, the doctors want you to come into the hospital sooner than they usually would so they have enough time to give you at least two rounds of antibiotics before the baby is born, which takes about four hours.  In case you are one of the lucky few who delivery quickly, this means they want you to come in as soon as your water breaks... and you could be stuck in the hospital a LONG time if you aren't one of the folks who delivers quickly.  I really want to labor as long as I can at home.  I am comfortable here, I feel safe, there are no needles or monitors to put up with, I have lots of options for distracting myself and I can eat!  So needless to say I was dreading the test to determine if I was positive or negative for Group B Strep.  The good news.... I'm NEGATIVE!!!  I am so so so so soooo thankful!  I may have to go in early for other reasons, but at least this won't be one of them!  Praise God for His provision even in the 'little' details!

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