So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

In a hurry?

I had a surprise when cutting up apples for Eb the other day! A germinating seed! Usually seeds wait until the apple is rotten, or even longer, before starting to grow, while this apple was bruised it wasn't rotten. The only other phenomenon I can think of close to this is vivipary, where seeds begin to germinate while still attached to the mother plant, I've only seen this once or twice in corn during really rainy seasons and it is devastating to the farmer's yields. I don't think this qualifies as vivipary though, since the apple is not still on the tree.

What do you think? Have you ever seen this before?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Contemplating the end of a season

The time has come to plan the best way to wean Eb, and it makes me feel like the Grimm Reaper.

There are lots of reasons that this needs to happen before Evie is born. One, Eb uses nursing mainly as comfort while he falls asleep. I don't think he is getting much nutritionally, but he is asleep within a few minutes of starting to nurse and rock. This is fine as long as I'm available, but it won't be fine during delivery of little sister, or in the months to follow when I won't always be able to nurse him before nap or bed time. It also isn't fine if he needs to spend the night, or day, away from Momma since he can't get to sleep (at least not without much stress and screaming) without me.

Two, I really don't think I'm up for tandem nursing. Maybe it would be fine and he would self wean as my milk changed to accommodate Evie. I know other Mommas have successfully accomplished this feat, but, frankly, it sound exhausting and logistically almost impossible (I can just envision all kinds of conflicting situations). If he and Evie were born much closer together (say in the situation of "Irish twins") I would probably give it a try so he would get a good solid year of nursing in (my original goal). Since that's not the case I think it will be better for everyone involved not to try tandem this time.

Third, it's really starting to hurt. Yep, TMI but there it is. With all the hormone induced changes nursing just isn't as straight forward as it was before. I pushed through a lot of pain and issues during the first few weeks of nursing because I had an end in sight and a wonderful reward if I could stick it out. This time I've already met my goal for nursing and it was just a matter of time before it should naturally come to an end.

So with all these obvious and practical reasons to wean, why do I feel like the Grimm Reaper? Well for starters, Eb loves to nurse, and I love that time with him as well, for multiple reasons. I love that I'm the only one who can provide for him in this way. I love knowing that he is still getting some (even if only a very little bit) of "liquid gold" in his system. I love that I can give him so much comfort. I love watching him fall asleep in my arms and the wonderful sleepy faces he makes. I love it when he makes the sign for milk (it's just too cute!). And I love this last vestige of tiny babyhood represented by nursing. He is growing and changing so quickly. Ever since he became more mobile his looks have tended more towards toddler than baby, now that he is walking that transformation seems complete. Nursing was one of the last parts of a season I have so enjoyed with my son.

So, yes, lots of selfish reasons. This season has just flown so quickly, I never contemplated much what the end or next season would look like. But there will be a new season, and just as God has shown us in creation each season has something to celebrate, and He gives us a transition time to prepare for the change. In marriage we have engagement to prepare for joining as one, in pregnancy we have 9 months to prepare for a new life, weaning can be a slow transition, one nursing session at a time.

Thank you Lord for this sweet season with my son. Help me not to mourn its passing so much that I miss the joys of this new season.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Need a change?

So I know every Momma thinks her son is the smartest and best, but mine really is :)

After dinner Eb showed me the sign for diaper change that he is learning.  I was skeptical because we had just changed about an hour ago, but wanted to reinforce the meaning of his sign.  He led me all the way from the kitchen to the changing table in his room, completely task oriented.  Sure enough, he was wet!  Not super wet, mind you, but he definitely knew what he was talking about!  See?  I told you I have the smartest, bestest boy in the whole world!

Does this mean we're ready for super duper early potty training?  Probably not, but its a fun theory!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

My little ninja...

When Eb was mainly crawling I knew where he was pretty much all of the time... he's a noisy crawler. Now that he is more confident walking it's like he discovered stealth mode! One minute he's there playing with me in the kitchen, next moment he's gone! I go to look for him and he's all the way to the bathroom with out me hearing a sound!

Maybe as he starts to walk faster he won't be as quiet, but my cautious walker could give stalking ninjas a lesson in stealth right now!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Daddy's little boy...

It is fascinating and thrilling to watch Ebenezer's personality develop.  I see so much of Chris coming out in different ways.  One of the cutest is Eb's imitation of Chris talking on the phone.  Yesterday Eb started jabbering while playing with his phone (a first, usually he is quiet), then he started walking around the house with his head down.... it looked somehow familiar, then it hit me - he was copying Chris!  Chris paces and moves almost constantly while talking on the phone, and usually keeps his head down so he can see where he is going.  Seriously cracked me up all day!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sounds Bites From Deuteronomy

So this is way behind since I finished Deuteronomy almost two weeks ago, but since I've taken a break from reading its still pretty fresh in my mind.  I really need to get back on the reading wagon though and realized I've been unconsciously waiting to write this post before doing so (honestly its me procrastinating, either way I need to get it done!).

Considering it is mostly a recap of Exodus and Leviticus I was surprisingly refreshed in my reading of Deuteronomy and found myself reaching for my pen to underline more things than I expected!  I think the difference was that this is the highlights, with extra exhortation and encouragement, instead of the nitty gritty details (like the weight of the bronze in every. single. dish. in the tabernacle.  I understand our God is a God of detail, and this was His first house of worship, but still hard to read.).  

So here are my highlights and some thoughts on why I graffitied my Bible for them :)
"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.  And these words which I command you today shall be on your heart.  You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.  You shall bind them as a sing on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.  You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."   ~Deuteronomy 6:4-9
The first thing that struck me about this passage is that Jesus quotes the first part during his ministry.  I found several veres like that throughout Deuteronomy and it served as a reminder that our God is the same God, whether Old or New Testament, whether at the beginning of time or today or ten years from now, our God is faithful to Himself and unchanging.  Second, this is a major verse homeschoolers use to support their decision to educate children at home.  It's pretty hard to constantly speak God's principles into your children if they are separated from you for the most productive part of the day, and if they are being taught things often contrary to God's word by others influencing them during that time.  Thirdly, it is a reminder of how vital it is to continually have God's precepts before us.  The father of Israel obviously failed at passing on God's word to their children, and disaster followed time and time again.  Oh that we could learn this and have God's word continually before our eyes, and more importantly, our hearts.
"It was not because you were more in number than any other people that the Lord set his love on you and chose you, for you were the fewest of peoples, but it is because the Lord loves you and is keeping the oath that he swore to your fathers, that the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery."  Deuteronomy 7:7-8
No merit of our own can recommend us to the Lord.  He loves us out of His own good will, and chooses to be faithful once that love has been set upon a certain people (or person).  Praise God!  Our security doesn't depend on our performance but on God's unfailing faithfulness!
"He will love you, bless you, and multiply you.  He will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground... You shall be blessed above all peoples. There shall not be male or female barren among you or among your livestock."  Deuteronomy 7:13a and 14
Just a reminder that children are a blessing, one of the first blessings God pours out on those He loves.
"And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord."  Deuteronomy 8:3
Cool context for the quote we most often hear from the New Testament.
"Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God that he has given you."  Deuteronomy 16:17
Reinforcement of what we saw in Leviticus that the Lord doesn't want your financial state to impede your relationship with Him.  Like in Leviticus, when God provided alternate sacrifices for the poor, though God has an ideal standard for gifts, he doesn't want to break his people, or alienate them from him, with that standard.
"It is the Lord your God who goes before you.  He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you.  Do not fear or be dismayed... And the Lord commissioned Joshua the son of Nun and said, 'Be strong and courageous, for you shall bring the people of Israel into the land which I swore to give them.  I will be with you.'"  Deuteronomy 31:8-23
 I struggle with fear and trust issues with the Lord.  I like to think I am in control when really nothing but the opposite could be true.  As such these reminders of God's protection and provision resound strongly with me.
"And there has not arisen a prophet since in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face..."  Deuteronomy 34:10
"Whom the Lord knew face to face".  Wow.  Just think about it.  Moses spent so much time in the direct presence of God that he had to hide his face from the people because they were afraid of the reflected glory.  What must that have been like?  Well get excited, because some day we will find out!  Someday we will sit at God's feet and bask in that very glow which gave Moses his heavenly tan!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Yep. He Loves Me!

While nursing Eb last night I got a picture text and message saying Chris was making a pit stop - the picture was the sign over Gigi's Cupcakes!!!!  I might be addicted to this place!  He brought me home two of my favorites that I always have a hard time deciding between - Miss Princess and Strawberry Shortcake!  Oh how my hubby know how to make me happy after a long week!

Friday, March 15, 2013

22 weeks or Update on my bumper!

Our little girl is growing so fast! I took some time to refresh myself on what's been happening with her development the last few weeks and was humbled anew at the awesome act of creation God is allowing me to support and carry!

This is the last week of the fifth month and boy has this month been busy! Evelyn now has unique fingerprints and is covered in vernix to protect her from getting wrinkly in all that amniotic fluid. Neurons are now fully connected from brain to muscle so she is practicing all kinds of important moves including hiccups, yawning, sucking, making faces and ballet (at least that's what it feels like!)! Her cartilage is starting to turn to bone so those cool dance moves are becoming stronger and more noticeable. She is also able to hear what's going on through the womb (including big brother and kitty), taste some of what Momma is eating, respond to light and grasp the umbilical cord. She may finally be 1 pound (or close at least even though she measures a little small) and is about 8 inches rump to crown. Even though she is growing lots of lovely hair it hasn't started making pigment yet, so we're just going to have to wait on that mystery!

On a more Momma related note, I am getting to feel Eva move daily now! At the beginning her movements really did feel like popcorn popping! Much more fluttery and, well, girly than Eb's first wiggles. While she is getting stronger and much more noticeable, her moves are still differing from Eb in several ways. I feel her much more often throughout the day but for shorter sessions, just a few good bumps or nudges here and there, not the prolonged boxing sessions Eb would have. Maybe it's just because she is still smaller than Eb at this point but I also haven't felt any of the drum roll repeating movements like I did with Eb either. Nine the less all her moves are a delight and reassurance to me that all is well.

I am still feeling good and my energy is much better than a few weeks ago. My apatite is also increasing some, though still nothing compared to Eb at this point. I've heard that some women are hungrier with boys and that seems to be holding true for me. I've still not gained much but I think I'm finally holding onto a few more pounds than before. No swelling or puffiness yet (Yay!) and no backache to speak of, though my back does get tired after a long day on my feet.

I'm still nursing Eb about four times a day and trying to figure out the best way to cut back. We've cut out almost all sessions except those that deal with sleep (two naps and bedtime - the other is when he first wakes up and just to give Chris and I a few extra minutes sleep), the problem is that he loves to nurse to sleep. We've decided to wait until he's finished with this most recent round of teething before tackling a big change like this. I'll be happy to let you know how it goes (and I might be seeking a little sympathy too)!

We are trying to decide on a nick name for Evelyn and I'm having a hard time! We have three we're trying to decide between, Evie (short e at the beginning long e on end), Eva (yes, like the robot on Wall-E), and Evie (long e at the beginning). I like the first because it sounds the closest to Evelyn, but I'm afraid it's too similar to Eb (which we use a lot!). I like the last two as well and have been bouncing between them a lot. What do you think?

Aaaannd here's pregger pictures (with a little cameo by Eb)!

I LOVE getting good mail!

I'm sooo excited to get our garden started!!! I know it's too early to set out many plants, but I'm looking forward to starting seed - and I'm even more excited after getting the mail today!  My tomato seed came!!!  Yes, these are all tomatoes.  Yes, I know it's extreme.  What can I say?  I'm a sucker for all the lovely shapes, colors and sizes of heirloom tomatoes!  I can't get most of these as plants, I can't even find most of them in magazines, but this magazine has virtually every kind of tomato your heart could desire (except one, but we won't talk about that).  I can't wait to make some colorful caprese salad!

In case you are wondering, I got Isis Candy (a bi-color cherry), Georgia Streak (a meaty yellow), Yellow Pear (a miniature pear shape), Red Pear (miniature pear shape), Jolly (a peach shaped cherry tomato) and Black Krim (a beautiful, medium sized black tomato).  And yes, that was my extremely narrowed down list.  Don't judge me.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Bible study with Bubby

Eb wanted to help me write out my memory verses, so I set him up with his own study, in crayon!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Redeeming the time..

I have been digesting a lot of junk lately.  Not junk food, junk media.  My brain had a hard time recovering from the PhD, and then I was suffering some pretty extreme fatigue after Eb was born and we moved here.  My brain was so mushy I couldn't really absorb anything more dense than Harry Potter, and I didn't try.  I've known for a few months that with a little effort I could get back into heavier books, I just haven't mustered the gumption to do so.  Well after watching a whole series of a TV series and reading Harry Potter for the second time, along with lots of other brain decaying entertainments, I finally put my foot down.  That was when I started trying to read through the Bible in six months.  As inconsistent as I have been it has been really enriching, challenging and encouraging.  Sadly I haven't taken it much beyond this.  

I have recently been convicted that I will never have time like this again.  I nurse Ebenezer four times a day, two of them are perfect for reading.  During that time I have no distractions, many times I spend two hours at a time in my nursing chair because he is teething and won't sleep on his own.  What better opportunity could I ask for to read all those great books on my shelves, many of which I have never finished?

So here is my public announcement - my stand.  Hopefully it will help me to be more accountable.  I need to redeem this precious time to fill my mind with good, wholesome and enriching media, books and ideas.

If I want my children to fill their minds with these things (and I do) I need to lead by example.

 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  Philippians 4:8

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My Little Mozart

Ebenezer has discovered Grandma’s piano – and LOVES it!

He had so much fun smashing the keys with Aunt Deborah… but it was hard work and eventually made him sleepy!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Growing world...

With Eb's new skill at walking it has opened a whole new bunch of opportunities  of things he can do!  His current favorite is walking outside!  Before he started walking outside he really didn't want to hold anyone's hand, with the uneven ground outside however he now welcomes the help.  He loves walking and exploring, especially at Grandma's where there are so many critters to check out!  We got to have a little cookout for Dad before he headed out on his mission trip and it was a beautiful day to be outside.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

“Fixing” Thomas the Train

Eb decided the pen he found looked an awful lot like a screwdriver… so of course he needed something to work on!  Well, we hope he’s fixing it – not stabbing it.

Does it taste right?

Hmmm, still needs some tweaking.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Best Purchase Ever!

I was really excited to go to the Little Treasures Sale yesterday and had a hard time not going way over budget.  Little Treasures is a HUGE consignment sale focusing on baby and children's things.  Almost anything you can think of that you would need for a baby from birth to five will be there - and at a steal of a price too!  We got summer gear for Eb, way too many clothes for Eva, some toys and this awesome chair for $5 (see I told you, a steal!)!  The chair has been the most popular purchase by far!

He has been in and out of it every way possible since we brought it home!

Kitty thought it was for her.. Eb informed her otherwise...

They played nice for Momma anyway.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

In like a lion?

March has really made an entrance!  Five out of the first six days we have had snow.  It hasn't been cold enough for any of it to stick until the snow we had last night.  Unfortunately I had to drive home from the Little Treasures sale during the beginning stages, but we made it home safely where I can enjoy the winter wonderland outside my window... even if it is only going to last until tomorrow.  Eb has really taken an interest in the falling snow.  He squeals when the flakes are big enough for him to really notice and tries to touch the ones that land on his jacket.

Here's our surprise lion outside...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Experiments in Color!

Ebenezer has Crayons and he's learning how to use them!!!  I bought him some washable non-toxic crayons to experiment with since he's been trying to steal my pens so often!  He still needs some practice holding the crayons but he enjoyed playing with Momma, Aunt Deb and Aunt Hannah!