Monday started out fine, it was rainy, but we needed the rain... then my muscles started to hurt, I started to cough, and before the night was finished I hurt to the touch all over. I worked desperately to finish a paper that was due the next morning, hoping I would feel well enough to attend class and turn it in. Well, I finished it but had to give it to Chris to turn in because I still felt
You know how a day can just sort of spiral down, down, down until your heart is just beat up at the end of it? That was Tuesday. It ended with me crying myself to sleep on Chris' chest in exhaustion, frustration and - I'll admit it - self-pity. Not part of myself I like to look too closely at.
Wednesday morning I woke up and one of the first thoughts in my head was Psalm 118:24
"This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it."
This verse kept running through my mind all day, it eventually became my mantra as I pushed through making and practicing the presentation I gave earlier this morning (Thursday). The part I will rejoice particularly struck me over and over. Rejoicing was a choice. Rejoicing is a choice.
So, as Wednesday went along, I chose to rejoice that I got sick when I did, instead of in the middle of even busier times earlier this month or year. I chose to rejoice that my husband is so caring and tried to serve me and make me as comfortable as he could. I chose to rejoice that it was raining outside, it did sound nice after all. I chose to rejoice that God has me in Florida-far away from my Mom who I really wanted to cry to- for His purposes and for His glory.
It wasn't by my strength that I made it through that day. I know the Lord brought that verse to mind and helped keep it in the forefront of my mind throughout the day.
It was a long Wednesday, and though it wasn't easier than Tuesday, it was much better because I was intentional in looking for things to rejoice in, instead of wallowing in self pity/loathing.
So that brings me to the initial question. Is joy optional? My answer is no. Not only do we as Christians have every reason in the world to rejoice in our savior and salvation, we can also chose to rejoice - even when we don't feel like it or it doesn't come naturally. This is part of the power of Christ in our lives.
So when those awful Tuesdays rear their ugly heads, we can turn them into better Wednesdays by looking them in the eye and saying "This is the day the Lord has made; I WILL rejoice and be glad in it."