So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Monday, May 20, 2013

16 Month Pool Party!

We didn't actually plan for Eb to get a pool party for his birthday, but Granddad found a baby pool he was itching to get him in, and it just happened to be the perfect, hot, Spring day!
Testing the water...

Are you sure about this Granddad?

Freaking Grandma out by drinking the water!  Yum!

Gotta stretch my legs!

Throwing it off the porch just so Aunt Hannah will throw  it back!

It's a race!

Strong arms!

Love his little wet footprints!

Throwing so high!
Eb is continuing to grow at a voracious rate!  He is almost 34" tall and about 28 pounds (we think!).  He has out grown all of his 12 months clothes and most of his 18 months clothes (especially pants paired with a cloth diaper!), I have a bunch of 24 month summer clothes, but while its still cool he is stuck with high waders for long pants!

He is officially weaned and transitioned to table food!  I'm excited to see him mature, but also a little sad at the passing if those dependent seasons.  He loves having big people food and trying to feed himself with a fork or spoon!  He also loves smoothies - which is great because we have them several times a week and I pack a lot of goodies into them (spirulina, kefir, spinach, kale, and of course fruit and juice!).

Ebenezer's love of all things with an engine continues to develop.  He loves to be around, or when possible, on the tractors, RTV, lawn mower and trucks at Grandma and Granddad's!  He has a great motor and refers to anything with a motor using it's special sound.  Even his book selection reflects his love - he has almost worn out or construction, truck and train books and his tractors remain his favorite toys!  It is amazing to me that the noise of the equipment doesn't bother him.  We were watching the big bale wrapper work the other day and every time it stopped to load another bale he would sign for more, and then watch, completely engrossed, when it went back to work.

He has added two new signs of his own making to his vocabulary - "outside" and "sing"!  Outside is him patting his head, because we always used to make him wear a hat to go out.  Sing is him wiggling his fingers like he is trying to snap - this one came from a song he loved for his aunts to sing to him that included snapping!

I love seeing his personality grow as he does and can't wait to watch what God is going to do in his life and future!

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