So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

31 and 1/2 weeks!

We are moving along so fast!  Evie has done a lot of growing the last few weeks, and has a lot more growing to do!  She is close to 3 and 1/2 pounds by this time and will be gaining about a half a pound a week from here on out.  Her lungs are well developed, and while she would still need a little help if she were born now, it should not be a serious problem (whew!).  She has full blown finger and toe nails and a full head of hair (which we got to see at the last ultrasound!).  

I'm feeling bigger but not HUGE yet, however I have hit the point where I'm no longer skinnier when I turn sideways - although breaking the habit of trying to squeeze through sideways is HARD!  Braxton Hicks have stepped up from that classification to what I would call practice contractions.  They aren't over my whole stomach and they aren't super painful, but they do require a lot of attention.  Maybe this means I will have less labor to do when she is born?

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