So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Simple pleasures...

It's so easy for me to get caught up in over thinking my food.  I love using my sour dough and kefir, incorporating their goodness where I can.  I love packing as much nutrition into my smoothies as possible - sometimes (okay, often) I go overboard and they lose their appeal (maybe aloe, spirulina, kale, spinach, protein powder and kefir are a few too many add ins all at once :) ).  This week though, I rediscovered one of my simplest food loves - fresh strawberries on toast!

I can thank Evie for rediscovering this enjoyable slow down.  While with Eb I craved Turtles and Ruffles with Chive and onion dip, with Evie I've been craving Snickers and strawberries (just about any way I can get them!  On toast, with fruit dip, in smoothies, on cheesecake, on salads... You get the picture!).

My Granny introduced us kids to this treat when we were small.  It was often a simple breakfast on one of the hot mornings after spending the night at her house.  Definitely not complicated, quite quick and easy, but still tries my patience at times just because I can't wait to get it in my mouth!  So many things make this a delightful combination, cutting up the strawberries ahead of time so that they are syrupy enough to soak into the toast, super buttery toast, the contrast between cool strawberries and warm toast, and of course, strawberry juice running down your chin and all over you clothes!  My favorite thing about this combination though, is the memories it rekindles of sitting at Granny's table in the summer, enjoying a tasty treat and time with Granny.  Memories of slow mornings, with the prospect of a walk and maybe some baking project ahead.  Simple memories.  Sweet memories.

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