So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, April 29, 2011


 One of the girls in my office is working with different blueberry varieties and methods of propagation (making new plants-cuttings versus tissue culture specifically), so that means we've got to help her harvest and sample all those berries right?  And of course there will be extras and something has to be done about that! :)

Last week she let us know it was time for her to harvest again so we spent the day in Citra helping here pick and weigh the ones for her research... and then picking a whole bunch for ourselves too!

There was netting over the rows to keep the birds away.  Since the rows were so long it was easier to crawl under than take it all off and put it all back on!

The netting kept trying to grab my hair!

 We came home with SO MANY berries!  And the season isn't even over yet!  Here are some quick shots of washing up!  Right now we are going to just freeze them all.  Most will probably go to smoothies in the near future, but I hope to post about some other fun things I have planned for them (such as cobbler, pie and smooshed fruit!).
The size variation was amazing, we picked some as big around as quarters and some much smaller than dimes.  While the smaller ones had more taste, I kept going back to the bushes with the bigger berries because they filled my cartons up faster!  Here are some next to a dime for size comparison...

Sylvia (my office mate) said the variation was mainly due to the different varieties.  I guess just like you can have all different kinds of apples, you can also have all different sizes of blueberries!

Hope you find something to sweeten up your week!

1 comment:

  1. dang those are big berries! i always find that i like the smaller ones better too though
